Travel & Tourism News

Undocumented Workers Integral to California Economy

Camarillo, CA: A decision in a wage and hour lawsuit in New York not only carries positive implications for any undocumented worker in the state of California who may feel wronged by an employer, it also lends itself to the depth and breadth of the undocumented workforce in the Golden state.

October 19, 2015

California ERISA Lawsuit Results in Settlement Exceeding a Half-Million

Los Angeles, CA Not many notice. Even fewer would take the time or have the tenacity to take action. However, three whistleblowers in California did just that when they detected irregularities in ERISA retirement and benefit plans they were hired to help manage and filed a California ERISA lawsuit. For their efforts, the trio is to receive compensation representing lost wages and damages from no fewer than 12 trustees affiliated with five union trust funds and their Los Angeles-based service provider.

September 19, 2015

California Looks to Abolish Forced Arbitration

Los Angeles, CA A common tactic of employers and organizations looking to avoid lawsuits is to require mandatory arbitration to enforce a contract. The California Senate, however, is looking to abolish mandatory arbitration as it relates to California labor law, preventing employers from forcing employees into arbitration.

September 10, 2015

A Tale of Two California Harassment Lawsuits

Los Angeles, CA Two separate California harassment lawsuits, each involving two students and each alleging harassment on the part of staff at a post-secondary institution: what are the odds?

September 3, 2015

Arbitration Agreement “Unconscionable” in California Wrongful Termination Case

Antioch, CA The plaintiff in a California wrongful termination case has scored a partial victory following the ruling of an appellate court upholding a trial court’s earlier conclusion that an arbitration agreement signed as a condition of employment by the plaintiff was “procedurally and substantively unconscionable.”

August 28, 2015

Longtime Chef Claims Harassment in California Discrimination Lawsuit

Torrance, CA A man who toiled for years as a chef for Benihana National Corp. has filed a wrongful termination and California discrimination lawsuit against his former employer, accusing the defendant of denying him proper wages as well as failing to come to his aid while allegedly harassed for years by other employees until he couldn’t take it any longer and resigned.

August 21, 2015

California Labor Laws Extend to Undocumented Workers

Sacramento, CA The fight for leadership of the Republican Party has again brought the plight of undocumented workers to the forefront of the media, although for dubious reasons. What gets lost in the discussion of building walls and keeping undocumented residents out of the U.S. is the extreme hardship and difficulty many face in their employment. Because undocumented workers are afraid of consequences if they complain about employee treatment, California labor violations of foreign workers’ rights are widespread.

August 18, 2015

California FMLA Lawsuit Stymied by Tribal Immunity

Cabazon, CA A lawsuit brought before a federal judge in California citing the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was lost for the plaintiff when the judge hearing the matter dismissed the case. The FMLA lawsuit was brought by a casino worker who had taken approved time off work for alleged medical reasons, only to have been terminated from her job. The plaintiff had filed a wrongful termination lawsuit.

August 13, 2015

Class-Action Status Given to Apple Wage and Hour Lawsuit

San Francisco, CA Plaintiffs in a California wage and hour lawsuit against Apple have had their class-action motion certified, after initially having the lawsuit dismissed. The main issue in the lawsuit is whether employees should be compensated for time spent waiting for security checks prior to leaving the job site. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of 12,000 current and former Apple employees, who allege they should have been paid for that time.

August 11, 2015

Will Paid Sick Leave Spur California Labor Lawsuits?

Sacramento, CA Under the California labor law about 6.5 million Californians are - for the first time ever - entitled to paid sick leave. The Paid Sick Leave Law became effective July 1, 2015 and already some legal experts predict that lawsuits will follow.

July 27, 2015
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