Oakland, California: Una demanda de acoso en California ha sido presentada contra las industrias Goodwill y una afiliada, alegando que las dos organizaciones permitieron que el personal de conserjería femenino fuera acosado sexualmente. La demanda fue presentada por cinco empleados y la Comisión de Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo (EEOC) en la Corte de Distrito de California para el Distrito Norte de California, esta demanda reclama violaciones de la Ley de Derechos Civiles y la Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades.
Los Angeles, CA: A harassment lawsuit against a movie actor / comedian ended with a finding for the defendant following a decision by a California appeals court affirming a lower court’s ruling over alleged harassment of a movie extra by defendant Marlon Wayans.
Oakland, CA: A California harassment lawsuit has been filed against Goodwill industries and an affiliate, alleging the two organizations allowed female janitorial staff to be sexually harassed. The lawsuit was filed by five employees and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in US District Court for the Northern District of California and claims violations of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
San Francisco, CA: A woman who reported wrongdoing at Wells Fargo has filed a lawsuit in California alleging she was fired in retaliation for reporting illegal activity and was harassed by her superiors. Diana Duenas-Brown, who worked at Wells Fargo in California for 14 years and was a branch manager for 11 years, filed the lawsuit on December 9 alleging wrongful termination and retaliation.
Sacramento, CA.: Una nueva ley laboral de California intenta asistir a los trabajadores de la industria de limpieza en combatir el acoso sexual en el trabajo. La ley, firmada el 15 de septiembre de 2016 por el gobernador Jerry Brown (D), asiste a los conserjes en entender y protegerse a sí mismos del acoso sexual y requiere a los patrones registrarse con la División de Cumplimiento de Normas Laborales de California.
Sacramento, CA: A new California labor law attempts to assist workers in the janitorial industry combat sexual harassment at the workplace. The law, which was signed on September 15, 2016, by California Governor Jerry Brown (D), assists janitors in understanding and protecting themselves from sexual harassment and requires janitorial employers to register with California's Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.
Irwindale, CA: Harassment can take on many forms, and in this case it’s not so much an employee feeling harassed by an employer at the workplace, but the manufacturer of a hot sauce suing the City of Irwindale, for California harassment.
Berkeley, CA: The esteemed Berkeley School of Law is writhing in the shadow of yet another cloud of controversy following the resignation of the dean of law at the University of California school, amidst allegations of sexual harassment. To that end, the dean’s former executive assistant has launched a California sexual harassment lawsuit against both the former dean of law, and the University of California Board of Regents for, in the plaintiff’s view, failing to undertake sufficient measures to prevent such harassment from taking place.
Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles has agreed to pay almost $4 million to a city parks worker who filed a lawsuit against the city alleging he suffered harassment and retaliation for years at the hands of one of his supervisors. After years in court, the Los Angeles City Council reportedly agreed to the payment after the court issued a ruling in favor of the city worker.
Los Angeles, CA: A retired teacher has filed a $12 million lawsuit against the Los Angeles Unified School District, alleging her employer did not provide her with a working environment that was free from harassment. Cathy Figel, an openly gay teacher, alleges in her lawsuit that she was subject to an unsafe work environment, including anti-gay language, vandalism and physical violence.
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