Los Angeles, CA: A former sports commentator with ESPN known for his knowledge of tennis launched a wrongful termination lawsuit in a California court against his former employer the day before Valentine’s Day this year. At issue is an on-air comment Doug Adler is alleged to have uttered during coverage of the 2017 Australian Open and, in particular use of a word the plaintiff asserts he did not use.
Los Angeles, CA: Snapchat is the latest tech company to face a lawsuit, but this time the plaintiff alleges wrongful termination, claiming he was fired for alerting superiors to potential misrepresentation on the part of the company. The California wrongful termination lawsuit was filed in January 2017, and claims the company purposely misled investors ahead of its initial public offering (IPO) to inflate Snapchat's valuation. The plaintiff, Anthony Pompliano, further alleges that Snapchat has since worked to destroy his career.
Los Angeles, CA. Una corporación importante de medios de comunicación obtuvo un regalo temprano de Navidad el pasado 20 de diciembre cuando un panel del tres-jueces junto con el segundo Tribunal de Apelación en California revirtió la decisión de una corte inferior que afirmaba que Time Warner Cable Services LLC era culpable de terminación injusta de contrato y discriminación por discapacidad.
Los Angeles, CA: A major media corporation got an early Christmas present December 20 when a three-judge panel with the Second Court of Appeal in California reversed a lower court’s ruling holding Time Warner Cable Services LLC (Time Warner, TWC) liable for wrongful termination and disability discrimination.
Los Ángeles, CA: Un ex locutor de la emisora de radio K-Love 107.5 Los Ángeles reclama que su antiguo empleador, Univision Communications Inc. (Univision), terminó injustamente su contrato con la estación de radio, a pesar de los altos índices de sintonía, por presunta tardanza para llegar al sitio de trabajo, cuando en realidad la demandante Sofía Soria estaba luchando contra un tumor estomacal y requirió cirugía, o al menos eso alegó ella. Soria lanzó una apelación de Terminación Injustificada de Contrato en California, la cual fue oída a principios de noviembre.
Los Angeles, CA: A former announcer with the Spanish-language radio station K-Love 107.5 Los Angeles claims her former employer, Univision Communications Inc. (Univision), wrongfully terminated her employment with the radio station, in spite of high ratings, for alleged tardiness, when in reality plaintiff Sofia Soria was battling a stomach tumor and required surgery, or so she alleged. Soria launched a California Wrongful Termination appeal, which was heard in early November.
Sacramento, CA: Women who have been victims of sexual harassment at work may have given a little cheer when Gretchen Carlson filed a wrongful termination lawsuit and sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes, Carlson's former boss at Fox News. And although the lawsuit was filed in New Jersey, the implications of the suit will likely be felt across the US, as the defendant argues the lawsuit should be dismissed and sent to arbitration. In the meantime, more women have come forward alleging a pattern of sexual harassment from Ailes.
Los Angeles, CA: Wells Fargo has settled a wrongful termination lawsuit filed by a former employee, who alleged her decision to transition from a man to a woman led to her being fired. The California labor lawsuit was filed in July 2015, and alleged Marlo Kaitlin Gallegos suffered discrimination, harassment and wrongful termination at the hands of Wells Fargo. The terms of the settlement have not been released.
Vallejo, CA: A former California firefighter has been awarded $2.3 million in his wrongful termination and retaliation lawsuit, filed after he was allegedly fired for complaining about breaches in procedure. The plaintiff, Todd Milan, alleged in his wrongful termination lawsuit that two of his superiors retaliated against him when he reported the breaches to officials.
Los Angeles, CA: The California State Bar faces a $15 million wrongful termination lawsuit alleging a former administrative assistant was fired for reporting ethical violations. Sonja Oehler filed the California wrongful termination suit, claiming she was fired because she knew about incompetence on the part of State Bar leadership and further claiming that other employees were also wrongfully fired from their jobs.
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