California Labor Law News

Harassment by Women—A California Labor Law Violation

San Diego, CA: Camden claims he has " an obvious case of white male harassment" by two female managers. No matter if you're male or female, white or black, harassment is a violation of the California Labor Law.

February 19, 2009

California Labor Law, Discrimination and Permatemps

San Diego, CA In 2006 Sagun was hired as a chemist by a large corporation and was told that after 6 months, his temporary position would change to full-time. But more than two years later, Sagun was still a 'permatemp', whose rights are murky when it comes to the California labor law. But Sagun also believes he was racially discriminated against, and the California state labor law is clearly opposed to any form of discrimination.

February 2, 2009

Institutions not above the California Labor Law

Fairfield, CA Caroline is a photographer and has been working off-contract at the University of Davis Medical Center for four years. She says they are chronic about not paying on time and don't pay late fees. " I am insulted that they think they are above the California labor law", she says. "Why would an institution think this way? It's time for them to get their knuckles wrapped. The amount of time you spend chasing down your money is more time than you spend making it."

December 17, 2008

Automotive Company Downsizes-- California Labor Law Violation?

Sacramento, CA Sean worked in the auto parts business 8 years for Chrysler with no complaints against him but he was just laid off. "In reality I have been wrongfully dismissed and I think my boss laid me off to avoid a wrongful dismissal lawsuit," says Sean, who believes that the Chrysler company violated the California Labor Law in an underhanded and unfair way.

December 10, 2008

California Car Wash Takes its Employees to the Cleaners

Los Angeles, CA When writing about California labor law it's easy, and in fact tempting to address more sensational and top-of-mind occupations such as the computer industry??"and there is little doubt there are significant California state labor law issues there. However, there are other sectors affected by California state labor law. And when car wash workers making minimum wage are wronged, there should be as equal a hue and cry as that for computer geeks making $70,000 a year.

November 21, 2008

Employers Violate California Labor Law

Lompoc, CA Many employers think they can violate California labor laws by taking advantage of their minimum wage employees. They think they can get away with not giving them proper breaks, hoping that the employees will not stand up for their rights. Marie S. (not her real name) worked at a gas station for just over a year and says she thinks her employer regularly violated California labor law.

November 20, 2008

California Labor Law: A Tale of Two Hard Drives

Sacramento, CA It used to be not long ago that a hard drive described slugging it out behind the wheel. Nowadays a hard drive is the term used to describe storage of data and the guts of the computer to which our lives are irrevocably tied. But in California there is a link between the two??"for the purposes of this article anyway??"given various California labor laws and attempts by various entities to flaunt the law or change it.

November 4, 2008

"Referring to my Weight is a California Labor Law Violation"

Lodi, CA Loretta started working at a childcare center early this year and loved her job until the new owner took over. She says he made a lot of changes that could jeopardize the children's safety and health such as removing a safety gate that protected them from the storage rooms where cleaning supplies are stored. And he also made changes that went against the California Labor Law.

October 26, 2008

Disgruntled Employee says Disney violated California Labor Law

La Habra, CA Timothy K. says Disney is illegally taking union dues from his paychecks and his co-workers because it did not renew the union contract. If that is the case, Timothy says the corporation has violated the California Labor Law.

October 12, 2008

California Labor Law: Employees Keep Quiet to Keep Their Jobs

Los Angeles, CA Just because an employer does not specifically ask employees to work off the clock does not mean that the employer is not violating California labor laws. If the employer knows that work is being done off the clock, then the employer should be paying for those hours worked, even if that means paying overtime.

September 29, 2008
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