California Building & Construction Labor Law News
By Heidi Turner. Updated June 27, 2015

California Building & Construction Labor Law
California Construction Worker Wage and Hour Law
Employees in California's construction industry may find that their rights are violated by employers who break wage and hour, overtime and break laws. Some employees may be misclassified as independent contractors to avoid overtime pay and benefits rules. Construction workers may not be given legally required meal and/or rest breaks during a work shift. California workers whose rights have been violated may be able to file a lawsuit to recover lost wages.
California Construction Prevailing Wage
Construction work done on public works buildings is subject to prevailing wage laws, which set about the minimum amount an employer can pay their employees on such projects. If a construction worker is assigned to a job on a public or government building, that worker is entitled to be paid according to California prevailing wage laws. Violations of prevailing wage laws can result in lawsuits being filed against the employer.
California Undocumented Construction Workers
California construction workers are all entitled to certain rights and protects, regardless of their citizenship. Employees who are undocumented workers can still file complaints concerning wage and hour violations and violations of workplace safety rules.
California Construction Worker Wage and Hour Law
Employees in California's construction industry may find that their rights are violated by employers who break wage and hour, overtime and break laws. Some employees may be misclassified as independent contractors to avoid overtime pay and benefits rules. Construction workers may not be given legally required meal and/or rest breaks during a work shift. California workers whose rights have been violated may be able to file a lawsuit to recover lost wages.
California Construction Prevailing Wage
Construction work done on public works buildings is subject to prevailing wage laws, which set about the minimum amount an employer can pay their employees on such projects. If a construction worker is assigned to a job on a public or government building, that worker is entitled to be paid according to California prevailing wage laws. Violations of prevailing wage laws can result in lawsuits being filed against the employer.
California Undocumented Construction Workers
California construction workers are all entitled to certain rights and protects, regardless of their citizenship. Employees who are undocumented workers can still file complaints concerning wage and hour violations and violations of workplace safety rules.