Undocumented Worker News

Domestic Workers Eligible for Overtime Pay

Sacramento, CA Although it was a long time coming, overtime pay laws in California now extend to people who are employed as personal attendants. Unfortunately, because these California overtime laws are so recent, some employers may not realize they now owe personal attendants overtime pay, or they may realize it but willfully break the law. In any case, as of January 1, 2014, personal attendants are eligible for paid overtime.

August 30, 2014

What Rights Do Illegal Immigrants Have regarding Wage and Hour Issues?

Sacramento, CA Moises is an illegal immigrant who has been working in California for many years. According to Moises, his former employer violated a number of California labor laws, including overtime and wrongful termination. As an illegal, does Moises have the right to file a California labor lawsuit? Employment attorney David Yeremian weighs in…

September 15, 2013

Class Action Lawsuit Attempts to Clean Up the Car Wash

Los Angeles, CA One would think that a car wash industry rife with violations of overtime pay laws could once and for all expunge the issue from its reputation, towel off and move on. But no, it appears California car wash workers remain exposed to exploitation over hours of work, meal breaks and overtime pay.

May 24, 2012

Federal Initiative Augments California Labor Law

Sacramento, CA An increasing number of immigrant workers in the state of California and other jurisdictions, coupled with the tendency of many ruthless employers to resort to unkind and unfair tactics to exploit workers in violation of California labor law, has prompted the US Department of Labor to consider requests for U Visa applications for immigrant workers willing to assist the government in the investigation of crimes against workers.

May 9, 2011
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