Pomona, CA: As occupational health and safety regulations continue to be strengthened, California OSHA complaints have evolved from the sensational debacle surrounding allegations that banking giant Wells Fargo established accounts in the names of various Wells Fargo clients allegedly without their permission, in a bid to increase fees. Various fines have been levied against the bank, investigations have been launched and thousands of Wells Fargo employees have lost their jobs in the wake of the alleged wrongdoing.
McFarland, CA: It was in November of last year that an industrial accident involving a natural gas pipeline led to an explosion that killed one man and badly injured two women living in a nearby home destroyed in the blast.
Sacramento, CA: We should know in a little more than a year what Cal-OSHA, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health for the state of California, comes up with in terms of proposals to regulate indoor working conditions with an aim to setting standards for workers who toil indoors.
Wilmington, CA: A complaint by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) together with a California OSHA labor class-action lawsuit filed in late 2014 combine to allege both health and safety hazards, and retaliation against union activity undertaken by workers at the California Cartage Company and Orient Tally Company.
Sacramento, CA: There appears to be a disconnect between what the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) views as heat-related deaths amongst agricultural workers in the state and deaths that have nonetheless resulted following long hours toiling in the hot sun.
Los Angeles, CA: A California whistleblower who sued his former employer over unsafe working conditions and won a settlement has yet to see a dime after his former employer folded the company and reorganized operations under a different name, allegedly to avoid complying with the settlement. Undaunted, the US Department of Labor has launched a California OSHA labor lawsuit against the former employer of Herbert Alexander.
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